Airbrush Spray Tanning
All Waxing and sugaring must be done at least 48 hours prior to your airbrush spray tan.
Exfoliate and shave the day before your spray airbrush spray tan. Use a non-oil based scrub. We recommend the NW GLW Take me off scrub to be used prior to your spray tan. Do Not exfoliate with a loofah. It can cause uneven exfoliation.
Do NOT Do NOT use any oils / Lotions prior to your airbrush spray tan, if you use oils and lotions we are unable to guarantee your tan. When oils & lotions are used, the solution will bead up on the skin and we can see it right away. This will also act as a barrier and prevent your color from developing to its full potential. If you have severely dry skin, please let us know prior to your appointment and we can discuss prep options that will best suite you.
Do NOT use any DOVE, Victoria Secret or Bath and Body works scrubs, body wash or bar soap. Do not use any bar soap of any kind prior to your airbrush Spray tan Unless you have purchased it from NW GLW. Using certain bar soap leaves a film on the skin which will then act as a barrier and the solution will not adhere to the skin.
Deodorant is not recommended to wear prior to your spray tan. Wipes will be provided should you have deodorant on. Deodorant will turn green if still on your skin during your spray tan.
Tan lines are optional. Disposable panties for women are provided to you should you wish to wear them. Once sprayed, your tan lines can not be filled or blended should you change your mind. Men must wear boxers or briefs to tan. Should you choose to wear a bathing suit or bra’s and panties during your airbrush spray tan, you will get solution on it, it will wash off. In the instance that it does not, NW GLW is not responsible for any stain or damage to your apparel you wear during your session.
* Be mindful of what you will be wearing while you have your airbrush spray tan so all exposed parts are tanned. You will be guided through a series of quick poses during your spray tan process. Once sprayed, you will be asked to check your tan and color for approval prior to the drying process. Your session takes about 20 minutes from start to finish.
You will be sprayed with a bronzing solutions. Once sprayed, your color will darken during the processing time.
Allow 8-12 hours for your tan to process before showering. This allows the tan to develop. If you choose the Rapid tan, please follow the instructions that your technician explained to you during your consultation.
Rinse with Luke warm water during your first shower. (Hot water will wash your tan off faster) You will see color rinse off. This is the cosmetic bronzer that you see rinsing away.
Refrain from using any exfoliants, scrubs, loofas, washcloths on your fresh tan. They act as exfoliants and will prematurely remove your tan.
Pat dry after your shower/rinsing. Rubbing will exfoliate your tan.
MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE. We can not stress this enough. The more you moisturize the better your tan will fade. NW GLW offers moisturizers specifically made in collaboration with The Bubblery in Leavenworth WA for your airbrush spray tan . Tan extender moisturizers, self tanner mousse, sprays, mitts and back applicators for self tanning are also available for purchase.
Refrain from using spray sunscreens as well as sunscreens with oil in them as they will start to eat away at your tan. Sunscreens containing Zinc are the best sunscreens to protect your skin and your tan. We recommend, Koola, Sunbum, Elta MD, and Supergoop for sunscreen. *Your spray tan is not a Sunscreen and does not act as a barrier against the sun*
When moisturized efficiently, your tan should naturally and gradually wear off. Should you need additional help saying goodbye to your airbrush spray tan, NW GLW Exclusively offers Body products including airbrush spray tan safe soaps, shower gels, sugar scrub, body frosting lotion and more from THE BUBBLERY in Leavenworth WA. Shawna, the owner of the Bubblery and myself collaborate on ingredients and fragrance to bring you the best possible products for your airbrush spray tan and skin.